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Mixing materials could lead to better biofuels

With the world coming to terms with the need to leave fossil fuels in the ground, renewable alternatives have never been more important. One such alternative is bioenergy coming from the burning of biomass. Now a new article ...

Chip-based optical tweezers levitate nanoparticles in a vacuum

Researchers have created tiny chip-based optical tweezers that can be used to optically levitate nanoparticles in a vacuum. Optical tweezers—which employ a tightly focused laser beam to hold living cells, nanoparticles ...

Digitalization found to be an important climate tool

Carbon emissions from the internet are on a par with emissions from the aerospace industry, but at the same time digital technologies are crucial to winning the battle against climate change.

Millimeter-scale chip-based supercontinuum generation

In optics, when a collection of nonlinear processes act together on a pump beam, the resulting spectral broadening of the original pump beam gives rise to a supercontinuum. Supercontinuum sources for optical coherence tomography ...

Engineers make critical advance in quantum computer design

Quantum engineers from UNSW Sydney have removed a major obstacle that has stood in the way of quantum computers becoming a reality. They discovered a new technique they say will be capable of controlling millions of spin ...

Soil tested for hidden contaminants in community gardens

This year saw many people rediscovering an interest in gardening, digging in the dirt and maybe even harvesting vegetables from a garden plot. But around the Puget Sound, not all garden soils are created equal. Soil, particularly ...

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