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Dutch probe China's Huawei for possible spying: report

Dutch intelligence services are investigating Huawei for possibly spying for the Chinese government by leaving a "back door" to data of customers of major telecoms firms, a report said Thursday.

Huawei chairman says ready to sign 'no-spy' deal with UK

Chinese telecom giant Huawei is willing to sign a "no-spy" agreement with countries including Britain, the firm's chairman said on Tuesday, as the head of NATO said Britain must preserve secure mobile networks.

China Mobile blocked from offering phone service in US

U.S. communications regulators on Thursday rejected a Chinese telecom company's application to provide service in the U.S. due to national security risks amid an escalation in tensions between the two countries.

UK government says it hasn't decided yet on Huawei 5G role

The British government has not yet decided whether to allow China's Huawei to supply parts for the U.K.'s new 5G wireless network, Digital Secretary Jeremy Wright said Thursday, as he condemned leaks from private government ...

China's island cities: Treasure or trouble for Asia?

A high-rise city the size of central London rising out of the ocean next to Sri Lanka's capital is laying down another marker for China's global infrastructure ambitions whose epic scope is sounding alarm bells in Asia and ...

How artificial intelligence systems could threaten democracy

U.S. technology giant Microsoft has teamed up with a Chinese military university to develop artificial intelligence systems that could potentially enhance government surveillance and censorship capabilities. Two U.S. senators ...

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