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New findings unveil a missing piece of human prehistory

A joint research team led by Prof. Fu Qiaomei from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences sequenced the ancient genomes of 31 individuals from southern East ...

Major floods in Manila as typhoon batters Philippines

The third typhoon to hit the storm-battered Philippines in as many weeks caused major flooding in Manila on Thursday, trapping people on rooftops and claiming at least 11 lives in other parts of the country.

China plans to complete space station by 2022

China plans to send four crewed space missions and the same number of cargo craft to complete work on its permanent space station within about two years, officials said after the launch of a newly designed spacecraft aboard ...

Chinese capsule returns to Earth carrying moon rocks

A Chinese lunar capsule returned to Earth on Thursday with the first fresh rock samples from the moon in more than 40 years, offering the possibility of new insights into the history of the solar system and marking a new ...

Is China delivering on its climate promises?

After the UN issued its starkest report yet on the consequences of global warming, pressure is on China—the world's biggest polluter—to deliver on its own climate goals.

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