Living a long chimpanzee life

We humans may consider a long-lived life to be anywhere from 60 to 100 years, depending on where we live. But what about chimpanzees, one of our closest living relatives?

Studying animal cognition in the wild

Different types of cognitive abilities can lead to a variety of knowledge that can help an animal to find, access, and guard food and mates. One approach to gain insight into the evolution of such cognitive abilities is by ...

How humans and chimpanzees travel towards a goal in rainforests

How do human-unique ranging styles, like large home range and trail use, influence the way we travel to our goals? Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, investigated spatial ...

Chimpanzees' working memory similar to ours

Previous studies have showed that chimpanzees have excellent long-term memory abilities. However, little is known so far about their working memory abilities. To explore this subject, the researchers presented chimpanzees ...

Chimpanzees in the wild reduced to 'forest ghettos'

Urban expansion and hunting have pushed chimpanzees, humanity's closest relative in the animal kingdom, into shrinking islets of wildness, top experts said Tuesday after a three-day meeting in Germany.

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