Colour constancy in chickens

Chickens can find the correct colour in redder lighting conditions, researchers from Lund University and the University of Bristol have found. Their study indicates that – like us – chickens have colour constancy (a feature ...

How did the chicken cross the sea?

It may sound like the makings of a joke, but answering the question of how chickens crossed the sea may soon provide more than just a punch line.

Researchers calculate 'hidden' emissions in traded meat

An international team of researchers has, for the first time, estimated the amount of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) that countries release into the atmosphere when producing meat from livestock, and assigned the emissions ...

Chicken bones tell true story of Pacific migration

( —Did the Polynesians beat Columbus to South America? Not according to the tale of migration uncovered by analysis of ancient DNA from chicken bones recovered in archaeological digs across the Pacific.

Food-tech startups aim to replace eggs and chicken (Update)

The startup is housed in a garage-like space in San Francisco's tech-heavy South of Market neighborhood, but it isn't like most of its neighbors that develop software, websites and mobile-phone apps. Its mission is to find ...

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