Chicken feed made of food waste could slash costs and emissions

New research from Australia's University of New England (UNE) has revealed using food waste to create commercial chicken feed would not only save the Australian poultry industry an estimated $500 million a year, but it could ...

Sexing chicken eggs by scent

Fertilized chicken eggs can be sexed by "sniffing" volatile chemicals emitted through the shell, according to new work by researchers at the University of California, Davis, and Sensit Ventures Inc., a startup company in ...

Paraguay confirms bird flu cases

Cases of bird flu have been detected in backyard chickens in Paraguay, authorities said Saturday.

Confirming the safety of genetically edited allergen-free eggs

Researchers have developed a chicken egg that may be safe for people with egg white allergies. Chicken egg allergies are one of the most common allergies in children. Though most children outgrow this allergy by age 16, some ...

High winds can worsen pathogen spread at outdoor chicken farms

Farmers who keep their chickens outdoors may want to watch the weather. A study of chicken farms in the West found that high winds increased the prevalence of Campylobacter in outdoor flocks, a bacterial pathogen in poultry ...

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