Extreme cold could reveal herpesvirus infection dynamics

The funny thing about the virus that causes chicken pox is that no one knows for sure how it or many of its herpesvirus cousins invade and infect cells. It's a bit of a problem: Without that knowledge, it's been hard to find ...

Storing energy with eggshells

Biowaste in the form of chicken eggshells has proved to be very effective for energy storage. This finding was made by an international team of researchers, including scientists of the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) established ...

How chickens became the ultimate symbol of the Anthropocene

We are living on the planet of the chickens. The broiler (meat) chicken now outweighs all wild birds put together by three to one. It is the most numerous vertebrate (not just bird) species on land, with 23 billion alive ...

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