'Deceptively simple' process could boost plastics recycling

Plastics are a victim of their own success, so inexpensive, easy to use and versatile that the world is awash in plastic waste. Now researchers from the University of Houston have reported a new method of producing polyolefins—made ...

Screen could offer better safety tests for new chemicals

It's estimated that there are approximately 80,000 industrial chemicals currently in use, in products such as clothing, cleaning solutions, carpets, and furniture. For the vast majority of these chemicals, scientists have ...

Flame retardants—from plants

Flame retardants are present in thousands of everyday items, from clothing to furniture to electronics. Although these substances can help prevent fire-related injuries and deaths, they could have harmful effects on human ...

Researchers synthesize renewable oils for use in lubricants

Engine gears, plane thrusters, refrigerator compressors, wind turbines—the list of important industrial machinery, agricultural equipment, transportation vessels, and home applications that depend on lubricants might be ...

How water fleas detect predators

Water fleas of the genus daphnia detect via chemical substances if their predators, namely Chaoborus larvae, are hunting in their vicinity. If so, they generate defences that make them more difficult to consume. The signalling ...

A 'sponge' path to better catalysts and energy materials

Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science's Oak Ridge (ORNL) and Argonne National Laboratories, Northwestern University, and Hokkaido University (Japan) have developed a new oxygen "sponge" that ...

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