Related topics: molecules

Electronic micro labs control chemical processes from the inside

Chemists at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, together with their project partners, have developed tiny electronic components that can control chemical processes from the inside. These micro labs are 140 x 140 x 60 micrometres ...

Ant antennae provide vital ID information, study finds

University of Melbourne scientists have shone a new light into the complexities of ant communication, with the discovery that ants not only pick up information through their antennae, but also use them to convey social signals.

Rapidly building arteries that produce biochemical signals

Duke engineers have developed a technique to make artificial arteries that naturally produce biochemical signals vital to their functions. The technique is also ten times faster than current methods for tissue engineering ...

Understanding the fruit fly's nose

How odours influence actions is one of the fundamental questions in neuroscience. Richard Benton, associate professor at the Center for Integrative Genomics at the University of Lausanne, follows the molecular trail of chemical ...

Vibrations tell bees where mates are from

In choosing among potential suitors, red mason bee females pay attention to the specific way in which males of the species vibrate their bodies. Now, researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on October ...

Worm pheromones trigger plant defenses, study finds

Plants can sense parasitic roundworms in the soil by picking up on their chemical signals, a team of researchers at the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research (BTI), on the Cornell University campus, has found.

The search for human pheromones

"Do humans have pheromones?" asks a review published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B today. Professor Tristram Wyatt from the University of Oxford says that if we want to find out we need to start from scratch.

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