How is the Arctic Ocean changing?

On coming Wednesday, 15 June, the research vessel Polarstern of the German Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association will set off on its 26th arctic expedition. Over 130 scientists ...

The tropical upper atmosphere 'fingerprint' of global warming

In the tropics at heights more than 10 miles above the surface, the prevailing winds alternate between strong easterlies and strong westerlies roughly every other year. This slow heartbeat in the tropical upper atmosphere, ...

Artificial leaf as mini-factory for medicine

Using sunlight for sustainable and cheap production of, for example, medicines. The 'mini-factory' in the form of a leaf that chemical engineers from Eindhoven University of Technology presented in 2016 showed that it is ...

Scientists reveal dynamic silver crystallization by in-situ SEM

Different structured materials have different properties and applications. Disclosing the formation mechanism of material structures may help develop routes for the rational synthesis. However, how the materials structures ...

How science saved the ozone layer

On 9 January 2023, the United Nations released its latest report on the status of the ozone layer. It highlighted that this protective barrier is on track toward recovery and should be fully restored by the second half of ...

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