This one-atom chemical reaction could transform drug discovery

Pharmaceutical synthesis is often quite complex; simplifications are needed to speed up the initial phase of drug development and lower the cost of generic production. Now, in a study recently published in Science, researchers ...

Exploring nature's own assembly line

Today the raw ingredients for virtually all industrial products, ranging from medicines to car tires, come from non-renewable chemical feedstocks. They are produced in fossil fuel refineries that emit greenhouse gases, such ...

Los Angeles suing Monsanto for chemicals in waterways

Chemical company Monsanto found itself in the horns of yet another lawsuit Monday, as Los Angeles sued the firm for allegedly knowingly polluting waterways in one of the biggest cities in the United States.

Regulating forever chemicals

Climate change policy has finally reached the center of the political agenda as President Biden and other world leaders prepare to discuss how the planet can collectively mitigate this grave threat. There are many other issues ...

EPA rule sharply limits HFCs, gases used as refrigerants

In what officials call a key step to combat climate change, the Environmental Protection Agency is sharply limiting domestic production and use of hydrofluorocarbons, highly potent greenhouse gases commonly used in refrigerators ...

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