A 'check engine' light for the human body?

Imagine a sensor implanted in your body that signals when you're getting sick -- almost like the "check engine" light in a car. That scenario sounds like pure fantasy, but it may be closer to reality than many people think, ...

Soon the government check won't be in the mail

(AP) -- Before too long, the government check will no longer be in the mail. Officials have settled on the dates when millions of people will no longer be able to get their Social Security and other benefit checks by mail.

Fact-checking can harm trust in media

With a federal election expected in May, at a time of great upheaval at home and around the world, the need for trusted media to accurately inform voters' choices and debunk myths will be critical.

Security contractor says hit by computer breach

A government contractor that handles hundreds of thousands of security clearance background checks for civilian and military workers says that some workers' personal information was compromised after a recent computer breach.

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