Molecular cooperation at the threshold of life

Protein-like aggregates known as amyloids can bind to molecules of genetic material. It is possible that these two types of molecules stabilized each other during the development of life—and that this might even have paved ...

Electron slow motion: Ion physics on the femtosecond scale

How do different materials react to the impact of ions? This is a question that plays an important role in many areas of research—for example, in nuclear fusion research, when the walls of the fusion reactor are bombarded ...

Tracking the evolution of Maxwell knots

Maxwell equations govern the evolution of electromagnetic fields with light being a particular solution of these equations in spaces devoid of electric charge. A new study published in EPJ C by Alexi Morozov and Nikita Tselousov, ...

Photocatalytic reductions occur in slow time scales

With the increasing need for renewable fuels scientists have attempted to harvest abundant sunlight while simultaneously reducing CO2. However, the process is generally inefficient and many aspects needed for improvement ...

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