Jaguar supercomputer harnesses heat for fusion energy

University of California-Irvine researcher Zhihong Lin is using the Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to study fusion reactions, which produce helium from hydrogen and release energy in the process, in ...

Explaining the mystery of the missing sunspots

Sunspots have been observed for about four centuries, since they were first reported by Galileo. Appearing in roughly eleven-year cycles of activity, sunspots are regions of strong and complex magnetic fields which are also ...

Giant gamma ray bubbles in our galaxy

( -- Gamma rays are the most energetic form of light, typically about one hundred billion times as energetic as optical light.

Acoustic levitation could be used on Mars

( -- The presence of fine dust on the Moon and Mars may present problems for explorers, such as coating solar panels, penetrating seals and interfering with machinery. Human explorers would also be endangered ...

Physicists Propose a Method to Observe Dirac Monopoles

( -- For decades, scientists have been intrigued by the hypothetical existence of magnetic monopoles - particles with only a north or south magnetic pole, thus having a nonzero magnetic charge. But while modern ...

Graphene Yields Secrets to Its Extraordinary Properties

( -- Applying innovative measurement techniques, researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and the National Institute of Standards and Technology have directly measured the unusual energy spectrum of ...

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