James Cameron to explore Earth's deepest ocean trench

"Titanic" director James Cameron will try in the coming weeks to dive to the deepest place on Earth, further than any other human has on a solo mission, to return with specimens and images.

Homebuilding beyond the abyss

(PhysOrg.com) -- Evidence from the Challenger Deep -- the deepest surveyed point in the world's oceans-- suggests that tiny single-celled creatures called foraminifera living at extreme depths of more than ten kilometres ...

Examining the lifestyles of microbes

Microbes are everywhere—in humans they protect us from harmful bacteria and help us digest food; in soils, they provide nutrients and encourage growth of plants. Microbes even live in sediments below the seafloor where ...

James Cameron's deepsea voyage splashes into theaters

Two years after completing the first one-person voyage to the deepest part of the ocean, Hollywood director James Cameron's 3D underwater plunge is set to splash into theaters Friday.

Geosciences lecturer dives deep into abyss on Pacific expedition

Dr. Ignacio Pujana, a senior lecturer in the Department of Geosciences at UT Dallas, has one thing in common with Academy Award-winning director James Cameron: Each has spent time squeezed into a submersible vehicle to study ...

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