Rare earth metals: Another challenge for the green economy?

If you follow the clean energy dialogue, then you may have encountered discussions about the role of rare earth metals at some point in the last year or two. If not, read on, because rare earths should not be a rare topic ...

Rare-earth mining operation to revive in US

After signing deals with major Japanese trading houses that have been rushing to secure new sources of rare earths, mining company Molycorp Inc. plans to restart its rare-earth mining in California by the end of the year.

New catalyst for the fight against smog

TSU chemists are creating a fundamentally new silver catalyst to purify the air, capable of decomposing toxic carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and other harmful volatile substances into harmless components. This nanostructure ...

A new method of converting algal oil to transportation fuels

A new method of converting squalene, which is produced by microalgae, to gasoline or jet fuel, has been developed by the research group of Professor Keiichi Tomishige and Dr. Yoshinao Nakagawa from Tohoku University's Department ...

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