Syngenta challenges EU's bee-saving pesticide ban

Swiss agrichemical giant Syngenta said on Tuesday it was taking the European Commission to court over its suspension of the use of an insecticide it blames for killing bees.

Global food prices drop for third month: UN

Global food prices dropped in July for the third month running, the United Nations said Thursday, driven largely by a fall in the value of cereals that are set to reach record production levels this year.

Boosting crop yields in Australia

Andrew Hansen grows wheat, barley, canola, and oats on his farm at Coomandook in South Australia, where his family has farmed the land for more than 60 years. But now the family's way of life is threatened.

Research shows great promise for millet grains

Climate change, water scarcity, increasing world population, and rising food prices are only some of the socioeconomic factors that threaten agriculture and food security worldwide, especially for disadvantaged populations ...

RIKEN BioResource Center to provide seeds of model cereal plant

Seeds of the model cereal plant Brachypodium distachyon are now available at the RIKEN BioResource Center (BRC) in Japan, the second bioresource facility to provide seeds of this important model plant to the international ...

Next generation of bio-based binders to be developed

The Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN) at the University of Waterloo and a biomaterials company started by two Waterloo chemistry graduates are teaming together to make the next generation of biolatex binders for ...

Malawi's bountiful harvests and healthier children

Through research led by Michigan State University, crop yields have increased dramatically. The children of Ekwendi, Malawi, also have gained weight and are taller. These improvements bring smiles to Sieglinde Snapp, MSU ...

Global food prices 'drop 7% in 2012': UN agency

Global food prices fell by 7.0 percent in 2012 from the level the previous year, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation said on Thursday, assuaging worries a few months ago that the world could be heading for a food crisis.

Tasty and gluten-free

Cereals are good for you, supplying the body with carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. Yet some people are intolerant to the gluten protein they contain. Now, researchers are developing new recipes for tasty, gluten-free ...

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