Tomb of Maya queen K'abel discovered in Guatemala

(—Archaeologists in Guatemala have discovered the tomb of Lady K'abel, a seventh-century Maya Holy Snake Lord considered one of the great queens of Classic Maya civilization.

Sensational grave find in Cypriote Bronze Age city

An archaeological expedition from the University of Gothenburg has discovered one of the richest graves from the Late Bronze Age ever found on the island of Cyprus. The grave and its offering pit, located adjacent the Bronze ...

Legally blind student makes unique discovery

( -- A University of Texas at Arlington graduate student in anthropology has helped to unearth a rare find: ancient images of a woman giving birth. What makes the discovery so unique is that it could be the earliest ...

Ancient proteins offer clues to the past

Archeologists once relied solely on artifacts, such as skeletal remains, fossils and pottery sherds, to learn about past species and cultures. Today's scientists can also study ancient proteins to paint a more complete picture ...

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