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An age gap in the C-suite makes companies more innovative

In order to innovate, companies have to play the long game. Cycles of R&D experimentation, iteration and market-testing require patience and a certain amount of risk-tolerance. For boards attempting to push an innovation ...

Valuing the impact of prosocial CEOs

The traditional role of a chief executive officer (CEO) has been to manage the executive team and pursue goals set by the board. But in recent times, CEOs have become more publicly visible as the face and driving force of ...

Foreign-born CEOs more likely to be dismissed from firms

Foreign-born CEOs are more likely to be fired than native-born CEOs if the firm they are leading is performing poorly, according to a new study from researchers at Florida Atlantic University and the University of North Carolina ...

Powerful board allies are a CEO's best weapon, say researchers

If we've learned anything from HBO's smash hit "Succession" over the last four years, it's that "Even the most powerful individuals do not work alone," as the authors of a new Strategic Management Journal article state. Given ...

Reading between the lines of CSR disclosure

Investors are increasingly holding companies to high corporate social responsibility (CSR) standards. That's the main reason more and more companies are choosing to disclose information about their social and environmental ...

How CEO political leanings affect their international deals

Conservative CEOs are four times more likely than their liberal counterparts to acquire international firms rather than forge new alliances when entering foreign markets, according to new research. The same study finds that ...

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