Structure of key protein for cell division puzzles researchers

Human cell division involves hundreds of proteins at its core. Knowing the 3D structure of these proteins is pivotal to understand how our genetic material is duplicated and passed through generations. The groups of Andrea ...

New human reference genome opens unexplored regions

A complete sequence of the human genome has finally been published by an international consortium of scientists. The new reference genome fills in many gaps that were left by earlier drafts, especially in the centromeres ...

Evolutionary 'arms race' may help keep cell division honest

Eggs and sperm are special cells for many reasons, but one of the characteristics that sets them apart is that unlike other human cells, which have two copies of 23 chromosomes, one from the mother and one from the father, ...

Protein complex SMC shown to ensures the dynamics of holocentromeres

Monocentromeres are typical for the chromosomes of most animals and plants. The centromere is necessary for the transport of the chromosomes and represents the connection point between the chromatids. This is how the classic ...

Unique centromere type discovered in the European dodder

Whenever the European dodder, Cuscuta europaea, is under scientific scrutiny, it usually is due to its lack of chloroplasts and its concomitant parasitic lifestyle. However, since the beginning of this year its chromosomes ...

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