GPM sees Hurricane Jimena's eroding eyewall

Hurricane Jimena, a once powerful Category 4 storm with maximum sustained winds estimated at 140 mph by the National Hurricane Center, has continued to weaken well east of Hawaii. The Global Precipitation Measurement or GPM ...

Aqua Satellite sees Ignacio in a trio across the Pacific

The tropical trio of tropical cyclones continued on September 3 when NASA's Aqua satellite passed over the Pacific Ocean. Images taken from several overpasses were put together to create a panorama of the Pacific that included ...

GPM checks rainfall rates in Category 4 Hurricane Olaf

Hurricane Olaf has been a Category 4 hurricane for three days in the Central Pacific Ocean. The Global Precipitation Measurement mission (GPM) analyzed rainfall rates occurring in the major hurricane.

Satellite sees the long arms of Hurricane Oho

Hurricane Oho appears to have extremely long arms in imagery from NOAA's GOES-West satellite on October 7. Moisture from Oho is being drawn along a stationary front to Oho's northeast, making it appear as if Oho is pointing ...

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