How is COVID-19 affecting the global economic order?

Supply chains collapse, companies are facing bankruptcy, and mass unemployment ensues. Covid-19 has triggered a global financial crisis and is forcing states to develop rescue packages on a scale not seen before. In addition, ...

Nigeria and digital banking: A revolution still waiting to happen

At the end of 2022 the Central Bank of Nigeria launched new banknotes. At the same time it also capped withdrawal of the new banknotes. The rollout of the currency change was shambolic. But it also led people to turn to digital ...

Q&A: What is bitcoin?

Bitcoin has carved out a name for itself as the world's most popular cryptocurrency since arriving on the scene more than ten years ago.

The art of money: New Paris museum puts economy centre stage

Do consumers make rational choices? It might not sound like the title of an art exhibit, but it's one of the questions visitors can contemplate at France's first museum aimed at revealing the arcane theories and systems underpinning ...

The delicate balance of setting central bank interest rates

As the Bank of Canada prepared to announce its decision on interest rates in early September, Tiff Macklem, the bank's governor, received imploring letters from premiers spanning both the country and the political spectrum.

When physics meets financial networks

Generally, physics and financial systems are not easily associated in people's minds. Yet, principles and techniques originating from physics can be very effective in describing the processes taking place on financial markets. ...

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