Related topics: population

The economic legacy of the Great Migration

When black Americans migrated out of the South in the 1930s and '40s, their children benefited by leaps and bounds, according to a University of Michigan study using U.S. Census data.

Research explores kinless population of older adults in the U.S.

Older adults rely on family for companionship and help with all sorts of tasks as they confront the frailties of old age. But what about older adults who have no living family members? One Penn State researcher is exploring ...

Study calls for review into census capture of 'mixed' populations

Current methods of capturing mixed race/ethnicity populations in global censuses are unreliable, and must be reviewed to ensure increasingly diverse populations are effectively reported, a study published today in Ethnic ...

New tools safeguard Census data about where you live and work

In October 2012, as Hurricane Sandy bore down on the densely populated U.S. East Coast, the state of New Jersey needed information fast. State planners and emergency managers turned to U.S. Census Bureau data about the people ...

Inferring urban travel patterns from cellphone data

In making decisions about infrastructure development and resource allocation, city planners rely on models of how people move through their cities, on foot, in cars, and on public transportation. Those models are largely ...

Hispanic youth underrepresented in most recent U.S. census

In a recent comparison of Census Bureau data, researchers estimate that nearly 400,000 Hispanic children were not counted in the 2010 census. The misrepresentation of a population could lead to less political representation ...

Signs of hope for saiga after mass die-off

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan has published the results of an aerial survey of saiga, conducted in April 2016, which aimed to provide insight into the status of these beleaguered populations following ...

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