A novel form of cellular logistics

Biophysicists from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich have shown that a phenomenon known as diffusiophoresis, which can lead to a directed particle transport, can occur in biological systems.

Breakthrough: Sensors monitor cells at work

Transport proteins are responsible for moving materials such as nutrients and metabolic products through a cell's outer membrane, which seals and protects all living cells, to the cell's interior. These transported molecules ...

Intracellular transport in 3-D

Ludwig Maximilian University researchers have visualized the complex interplay between protein synthesis, transport and modification.

Researchers reveal jamming in cellular motor protein traffic

To keep a cell alive, molecular motor proteins constantly transport building blocks and waste across the cell, along its biopolymer network. Because of the high density of these proteins, jamming effects are believed to affect ...

Small proteins play big role in cellular energy balance

Scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School have discovered new molecular details of how cells ensure that their energy supply is adjusted to meet energy demand. Their study, carried out in collaboration with researchers at the ...

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