Trifunctional molecule decodes cellular communication

(—How does one define the factors on the surface of human cells to which a molecule of interest binds? This question is typically hard to answer. Researchers of ETH Zurich have developed a new technology that enables ...

We need to talk: How cells communicate to activate notch

During formation of multi-cellular organisms, cells need to talk to each other to make critical decisions as to what kind of cell to become, as well as when and where to become that cell type. The Notch signaling system allows ...

What makes a worm say 'yuck'

Researchers at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) say they have uncovered a way that animals detect pathogens in their bodies that allows their systems to respond before cellular damage occurs.

A major step forward towards drought tolerance in crops

When a plant encounters drought, it does its best to cope with this stress by activating a set of protein molecules called receptors. These receptors, once activated, turn on processes that help the plant survive the stress.

Biologists identify a new clue into cellular aging

The ability to combat some age-related diseases, such as cancer and diabetes, may rest with scientists unlocking clues about the molecular and cellular processes governing aging. The underlying theory is that if the healthy ...

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