Investigating a hospital superbug's resistance power

Treatment of severe infections caused by pathogenic bacteria relies on "last resort" antibiotics, but rising resistance by "superbugs" to most clinically approved drugs leaves patients exposed to possible fatalities.

Protein 'passport' helps nanoparticles get past immune system

The body's immune system exists to identify and destroy foreign objects, whether they are bacteria, viruses, flecks of dirt or splinters. Unfortunately, nanoparticles designed to deliver drugs, and implanted devices like ...

Decoding the language of immune responses

Fever, cough, sore throat—symptoms in the spotlight in the era of COVID-19—are just some of the telltale signs of our body's immune system kicking into action against an unwanted intruder. Whether triggered by an infection, ...

Study examines what microorganisms on Mars would need to survive

No life has yet been found on Mars, but it is exciting to explore the circumstances under which it might be possible. A team led by the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin) with the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology ...

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