Small nanoparticles bring big improvement to medical imaging

If you're watching the complex processes in a living cell, it is easy to miss something important—especially if you are watching changes that take a long time to unfold and require high-spatial-resolution imaging. But new ...

No such thing as 'junk RNA,' say Pitt researchers

Tiny strands of RNA previously dismissed as cellular junk are actually very stable molecules that may play significant roles in cellular processes, according to researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine ...

Biologists Unlock Secrets of Plants' Growing Tips

( -- Biologist Magdalena Bezanilla and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have used a technique they call multi-gene silencing to, for the first time, simultaneously silence nine genes in a ...

Bionanomachines: Proteins as resistance fighters

( -- Friction limits the speed and efficiency of macroscopic engines. Is this also true for nanomachines? A Dresden research team used laser tweezers to measure the friction between a single motor protein molecule ...

New insights into how epilancin 15X kills bacteria

Antimicrobial resistance has emerged as a global threat that requires urgent attention. In a new study published in Frontiers in Microbiology, researchers have investigated how the antibiotic epilancin 15X kills bacteria.

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