RNA folding: A little cooperation goes a long way

(Phys.org)—The nucleic acid RNA is an essential part of the critical process by which the cells in our bodies manufacture proteins. But noncoding RNAs also exist whose sequences, while not converted into proteins, play ...

Researchers find active transporters are universally leaky

Professor of Biochemistry Emad Tajkhorshid and colleagues have discovered that membrane transporters help not just sugars and other specific substrates cross from one side of a cellular membrane to the other—water also ...

Light-powered microbes are super-producing chemical factories

Sharing is key to living in society, whether it's toddlers sharing toys or nations sharing natural resources; but there's no avoiding the fact that one side getting more means that the other side gets less. Now, researchers ...

No more free rides for 'piggy-backing' viruses

Scientists have determined the structure of the enzyme endomannosidase, significantly advancing our understanding of how a group of devastating human viruses including HIV and Hepatitis C hijack human enzymes to reproduce ...

Learning from experience is all in the timing

As animals explore their environment, they learn to master it. By discovering what sounds tend to precede predatorial attack, for example, or what smells predict dinner, they develop a kind of biological clairvoyance—a ...

Biologists identify a new clue into cellular aging

The ability to combat some age-related diseases, such as cancer and diabetes, may rest with scientists unlocking clues about the molecular and cellular processes governing aging. The underlying theory is that if the healthy ...

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