Researchers present a shiny new tool for imaging biomolecules

At the heart of the immune system that protects our bodies from disease and foreign invaders is a vast and complex communications network involving millions of cells, sending and receiving chemical signals that can mean life ...

Power amplifiers for 5G made of gallium nitride

The wireless data transmission via mobile communication is reliable and affordable. However, data volume per user is rising exponentially. Causes are not only the continuously growing number of smartphones, but also trends ...

3D printing plant cells shows promise for studying cell function

A new study from North Carolina State University shows a reproducible way of studying cellular communication among varied types of plant cells by "bioprinting" these cells via a 3D printer. Learning more about how plant cells ...

The 'weakest link' in the aging proteome

Proteins are the chief actors in cells, carrying out the duties specified by information encoded in our genes. Most proteins live only two days or less, ensuring that those damaged by inevitable chemical modifications are ...

Researchers have broken the code for cell communication

Knowledge on how cells communicate is an important key to understanding many biological systems and diseases. A research team led by researchers at the University of Gothenburg has now used a unique combination of methods ...

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