New Samsung tablets mimic Galaxy phones

Samsung is making its tablet computers look more like its hit Galaxy phones in the hope that the success of the smartphones can boost tablet sales.

Human gait could soon power portable electronics

( -- If the vision of Tom Krupenkin and J. Ashley Taylor comes to fruition, one day soon your cellphone — or just about any other portable electronic device — could be powered by simply taking a walk.

Smart 'stickers' let you find things by phone

Jimmy Buchheim is behaving oddly. On the floor of the world's largest cellphone trade show in Barcelona, Spain, he's looking at the screen of his iPod Touch, taking a few steps, and then looking again. Now and then he backtracks ...

Review: 'Mega' phone is huge, with limited appeal

Please turn off all electronic devices, the flight crew instructs as we approach Los Angeles. With a small phone, I might have gotten away with ignoring safety regulations. Samsung's new Galaxy Mega phone was too conspicuous ...

FBI contacted phone monitoring firm about software

A senior executive at a technology company that makes monitoring software secretly installed on 141 million cellphones said Thursday that the FBI approached the company about using its technology but was rebuffed. The disclosure ...

HTC launches 3D smartphone in Taiwan

Taiwan's leading smartphone maker HTC Wednesday launched its first 3D cellphone onto the local market, picking what a local telecom operator said was an opportune time ahead of the iPhone 5.

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