US justices:'Get a warrant' to search cellphones (Update)

A unanimous U.S. Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that police generally may not search the cellphones of people they arrest without first getting search warrants in an emphatic defense of privacy in the digital age.

Judge dismisses lawsuit over NSA cellphone data

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit an Idaho woman filed against President Barack Obama and other federal officials over the National Security Agency's collection of cellphone information.

US court weighs police use of cellphone tower data

A U.S. appeals court is wrestling with whether law enforcement has the authority to obtain and use records from cellphone towers, in a case that weighs the importance of people's right to privacy in the age of digital technology.

UN study: Cellphones can improve literacy

A study by the U.N. education agency says cellphones are getting more and more people to read in countries where books are rare and illiteracy is high.

Hundreds in Mexico protest telecommunications law

Hundreds of students and activists marched in Mexico's capital Tuesday to protest a telecommunications law being debated by the Senate that they say will allow the government to arbitrarily censor Internet content.

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