Report says Sprint to get iPhone in October

(AP) -- Sprint Nextel Corp., the country's third-largest cellphone company, will start selling the iPhone in mid-October, The Wall Street Journal said Tuesday.

Human gait could soon power portable electronics

( -- If the vision of Tom Krupenkin and J. Ashley Taylor comes to fruition, one day soon your cellphone — or just about any other portable electronic device — could be powered by simply taking a walk.

HTC launches 3D smartphone in Taiwan

Taiwan's leading smartphone maker HTC Wednesday launched its first 3D cellphone onto the local market, picking what a local telecom operator said was an opportune time ahead of the iPhone 5.

SF protests go on without new wireless shutdowns

(AP) -- Civil libertarian groups have backed away from threats to legally challenge the Bay Area Rapid Transit system's wireless service shutdown last week after the agency refused a repeat amid rush-hour protests that shuttered ...

The apps that eat your wireless data

(AP) -- If you have a cellphone with a monthly limit on how much data you can use, here are some tips on what types of phone use will gobble up your precious megabytes:

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