Scientists investigate how the sense of smell works in bacteria

Scientists from MIPT, in collaboration with international colleagues, have proposed a universal mechanism for the sense of smell in bacteria. The researchers obtained the structure of the NarQ protein from Escherichia coli ...

Interaction of carbon nanotubes and the blood-brain barrier

A paper published in Biomaterials studies the interaction of carbon nanotubes and the blood-brain barrier. It was carried by the Institute of Pharmaceutical Science at the King's College London. Elzbieta Pach and Belén ...

Making fuels and chemicals from bio-inspired sources

Living cells are a hive of activity, full of tiny structures making proteins, breaking down junk, and creating energy. All of this happens through a series of chemical reactions made possible largely because of the humble ...

Cohesin molecule safeguards cell division

The cohesin molecule ensures the proper distribution of DNA during cell division. Scientists at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna can now prove the concept of its carabiner-like function by visualizing ...

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