Scientists program proteins to pair exactly

Proteins have now been designed in the lab to zip together in much the same way that DNA molecules zip up to form a double helix. The technique, whose development was led by University of Washington School of Medicine scientists, ...

Attacking Cancer Cells with Hydrogel Nanoparticles

( -- One of the difficulties of fighting cancer is that drugs often hit other non-cancerous cells, causing patients to get sick. But what if researchers could sneak cancer-fighting particles into just the cancer ...

New cobalt complex triggers ferroptosis in cancer cells

In programmed cell death, certain signaling molecules initiate a kind of suicide program to cause cells to die in a controlled manner. This is an essential step to eliminate damaged cells or to control the number of cells ...

Liverwort study reveals sperm release mechanism in bryophytes

Using liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha) as a model, researchers led by Prof. Li Hongju from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have explored the molecular mechanism of sperm ...

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