Discovery could lead to new type of cancer treatment

( -- Israeli researchers have identified a new mechanism for inducing the programmed death of cells, a discovery that could be used to develop novel methods for treating cancer.

New insights on cell competition

Scientists from the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) describe how natural selection also occurs at the cellular level, and how our body's tissues and organs strive to retain the best cells in their ranks in ...

Production of iPS cells: Discovery of the fifth element

Since 2006, research has succeeded in generating, from specialised adult cells, induced pluripotent cells (iPS cells), with huge potential applications, particularly for regenerative medicine. However, the process has still ...

Immune system compromised during spaceflight, study finds

Astronauts are known to have a higher risk of getting sick compared to their Earth-bound peers. The stresses that go with weightlessness, confined crew quarters, being away from family and friends and a busy work schedule ...

How mitochondria get their membranes bent

Underneath their smooth surface mitochondria harbor an elaborately folded inner membrane. It holds a multitude of bottleneck like invaginations, which expand into elongated cavities. Now researchers have identified two proteins ...

Sometimes it's just easier to use a pencil

I wonder sometimes how I got along without many of today's technological marvels. The personal computer is the one that stands out most to me but before I get into that, I decided to list some of the technology items that ...

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