Study pushes understanding of how cells migrate

Interactions between two key structures within cells help establish the front-to-back "polarity" that is essential to cell migration, according to a new study by Weill Cornell Medicine researchers.

Learning about human cancer from fruit flies

Scientists in Singapore and Spain have gained new insights into the activity of a tumor-suppressor protein in fruit flies that could aid the understanding of some human cancers. The study, published in PLOS Biology, might ...

New insights into cell polarity

A previously unknown mechanism involving the protein Scribble helps maintain polarity in cells, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Molecular probe maps misfolded proteome state in live cells

The folding state of the proteins in live cells often reflect the cell's general health. Australian scientists have developed a molecular probe that senses the state of the proteome—the entire set of the proteins—by measuring ...

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