Record efficiency for perovskite-based light-emitting diodes

Efficient near-infrared (NIR) light-emitting diodes of perovskite have been produced in a laboratory at Linköping University. The external quantum efficiency is 21.6 percent, which is a record. The results have been published ...

A social bacterium with versatile habits

Related individuals of a soil bacterial species live in cooperative groups and exhibit astonishing genetic and behavioural diversity. ETH researchers recently published these findings in Science .

What makes Helicobacter so adaptable?

The bacterial pathogen Helicobacter pylori owes its worldwide distribution to its genetic adaptability. LMU microbiologists have identified an enzyme that plays a vital role in the flexible control of global gene expression ...

A universal DNA nano-signature for cancer

Researchers from the University of Queensland's Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN) have discovered a unique nano-scaled DNA signature that appears to be common to all cancers.

Research opens doors to expanded DNA studies

Dr. Wonmuk Hwang, associate professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University, is researching the mechanics of DNA, the blueprint of the human body.

Risk-free gene reactivation

Chemical modification of DNA subunits contribute to the regulation of gene expression. Researchers from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich have now deciphered a new pathway can reactivate genes that have been ...

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