Elucidation of proteins controlling the sleep and awake transition

Professor Hiroki Ueda, Assistant Professor Daisuke Tone, Lecturer Koji Ode, and Qianhui Zhang (4th-year graduate student at the time) at the University of Tokyo showed that CaMKIIβ, a predominant protein kinase expressed ...

Lipid expansion microscopy uses 'power of click chemistry'

Lipids—fats—make great walls for cells and organelles because they are water resistant and dynamic. But those same characteristics also make them hard to image using expansion microscopy, a technique that works for magnifying ...

Migration as morality politics

Migration often serves as an arena for conflicting values. In this context, religious groups, civil society organizations and local authorities often show a more liberal attitude than the state. The political scientist Julia ...

Correcting peers is key in small-group learning

Collaborative group work is increasingly prioritized across higher education, particularly in the life sciences and STEM-related fields. But how students communicate within these smaller groups is key to their success.

How a protein breaks free to cause deadly cancers

Better treatments for some of cancer's deadliest forms could be closer due to a University of California, Irvine-led discovery about how a certain protein is activated in tumor cells. The finding, spearheaded by researchers ...

New method boosts the study of regulation of gene activity

One way cells can control the activities of their genes is by adding small chemical modifications to the DNA that determine which genes are turned on or off. Methyl groups are one of these chemical modifications or tags. ...

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