Biologists discover a new type of placental structure in animals

The Cyclostomata is an ancient group of aquatic colonial suspension-feeders from the phylum Bryozoa. The fact that they have unique placentae has been discovered by researchers at St Petersburg University and the University ...

Team unveils new Leishmania virulence strategies

Professor Albert Descoteaux of INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier Research Centre and his team have discovered novel virulence strategies employed by the Leishmania parasite. These scientific breakthroughs recently published in ...

Cell fusion discovery could improve agricultural production

An international research team has observed cell fusion in flowering plants for the first time in more than a century. The discovery demystifies how plants prevent the attraction of excessive pollen tubes after a successful ...

How sterols influence cell division in plants

Marcia Frescatada-Rosa shows that changes in sterol composition and concentration affect the localization of a specific protein, which is required for cell plate formation during cell division of plants. The dissertation ...

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