Researchers seek genes responsible for good eyesight

Many people suffer from eye diseases that can lead to blindness in the worst cases. Eye-related diseases including cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration are well described; nevertheless, the underlying causative genes ...

Japan govt approves stem cell clinical trials

Japan's government on Friday gave its seal of approval to the world's first clinical trials using stem cells harvested from a patient's own body.

Japan researchers close in on stem cell trial

Researchers in Japan have moved one step closer to clinical trials using adult stem cells in a therapy they hope will prove a cure for common sight problems, an official said Thursday.

Tracking breast cancer cells on the move

Breast cancer cells frequently move from their primary site and invade bone, decreasing a patient's chance of survival. This process of metastasis is complex, and factors both within the breast cancer cells and within the ...

Nanoparticles help researchers deliver steroids to retina

Hitching a ride into the retina on nanoparticles called dendrimers offers a new way to treat age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. A collaborative research study among investigators at Wayne State University, ...

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