Study finds link between women in power, sexual harassment

Women who break the glass ceiling of professional advancement also face increased incidence of sexual harassment from coworkers and subordinates, according to new research by sociologists at the University of Maine and University ...

Q&A: Are we headed for another recession?

A standoff in the U.S. over the debt ceiling. The possibility of more bailouts in Europe. Markets slumping almost everywhere. We spoke to Professor Eric Kirzner to get a sense of what’s causing financial uncertainty ...

Economist examines US debt limit impact

It's not exactly comforting that the United States is running up against its debt limit, as officials announced this week, nor is there immediate cause for concern for the average taxpayer, says University of Michigan economist ...

The glass ceiling phenomenon in the US and EU labor markets

The "glass ceiling" is a metaphor for the barriers facing women and various minorities in the workplace when they strive for promotion or other improvements in their career. Research published in the International Journal ...

Gender pay gap shrinking for some female university presidents

While serious economic and societal issues continue to swirl around the gender pay gap, new research published in the INFORMS journal Organization Science shows one area where this inequality is starting to disappear—higher ...

Gender diversity good for businesses and economies: UN

Companies that improve gender diversity—especially at the top—perform better and rake in higher profits, while countries that increase women employment see better economic growth, the UN said Wednesday.

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