Related topics: google · robot

The armchair as a fitness trainer

Each of us would like to pursue our personal hobbies and interests into old age. However, this depends on us staying fit and healthy. Researchers are now presenting an armchair that brings the gym right into your living room ...

World's top high-tech fair goes 3D

The world's biggest high-tech fair opened Tuesday with IT giants aiming to bounce back strongly from a terrible 2009 by wooing consumers with trendy gadgets.

Bank card identifies cardholder

From the gas station to the department store – paying for something without cash is commonplace. Now such payments become more secure: The Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD engineered a solution for ...

CeBIT: World's top tech fair opens under a cloud

The world's biggest IT fair opened Tuesday amid concerns over the security of its featured technology -- cloud computing -- after some 150,000 Google email accounts vanished into the ether.

Gadgets and gizmos galore at world's top IT fair

From a glove that can be used as a mobile phone to a remote-controlled spy helicopter: this year's CeBIT, the world's top high-tech fair, showcases a bewildering array of gadgets.

Smart search engines for news videos

Searching for video recordings regularly pushes search engines to their limit. The truth of the matter is that purely automatic algorithms are not enough; user knowledge has to be harnessed, too. Now, researchers are making ...

World's top IT fair embraces 'cuddle jacket'

Everyone needs a hug now and then, but at the CeBIT, the world's top high-tech fair, even that can be created with technology as a Singapore-based firm unveiled its "cuddle jacket", hailed as a global first.

Students develop secure new procedure for online banking

Researchers and students from the University of Tübingen, working with GFT Technologies AG, have developed a new process to make online banking more secure. Their software is being presented this week at the CeBIT computer ...

Automatic test procedures for apps on smartphones and tablets

For many so-called apps, developers and companies have not adequately ensured that the mini-programs are actually working the way they should. Therefore, computer scientists at Saarland University developed software which ...

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