Related topics: google ยท robot

German tech sector bullish before giant IT fair

Germany's high-tech sector is expected to register solid growth this year and next, creating thousands of jobs, its chief lobby group said Monday ahead of the giant CeBIT trade fair.

Turkey touts tech credentials at CeBIT fair

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan talked up the Turkish technology industry Monday ahead of the world's largest IT fair in Germany, where Turkey is this year "partner country."

World's biggest IT fair shoots for the clouds

The world's top high-tech fair opens Tuesday with the IT industry in bullish mood, preparing to wow visitors with head-spinning futuristic gadgets and the latest in 'cloud computing' technology.

Chatty robots, flying alarm clocks at top high-tech fair

Robots that teach Chinese, computers controlled by moving the eyes and flying alarm clocks were among the weird and wonderful gadgets wowing crowds Wednesday at the world's top high-tech fair.

Google launches 'Street View' charm offensive

US Internet giant Google launched on Tuesday a charm offensive for its "Street View" navigation service, aiming to soothe the privacy doubts of a sceptical German public.

Robot footballers wow crowd in Germany

Forget Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney or Lionel Messi. With less than 100 days to the World Cup, it was four pint-sized robots that wowed crowds in Germany Tuesday with their footballing skills.

World's top high-tech fair goes 3D

The world's biggest high-tech fair opened Tuesday with IT giants aiming to bounce back strongly from a terrible 2009 by wooing consumers with trendy gadgets.

One in four Germans wants microchip under skin: poll

It sounds like something from a sci-fi film, but one in four Germans would be happy to have a microchip implanted in their body if they derived concrete benefits from it, a poll Monday showed.

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