European Space Agency launches new laser communications hub

The European Space Agency says a new laser terminal has been launched into orbit as part of wider efforts to develop Europe's first optical communications network, a system able to monitor natural disasters and other catastrophes.

A look back at catastrophic space flights

An unmanned commercial supply ship bound for the International Space Station exploded moments after liftoff from a launch pad at Wallops Island, Virginia, Tuesday evening, with debris falling in flames over the launch site.

Crews struggle to clear toxic Hungary sludge flood

(AP) -- There was no stopping the avalanche of toxic red sludge when it rammed into Kati Holtzer's home: It smashed through the main door and trapped the woman and her 3-year-old boy in a churning sea of acrid waste.

France must improve nuke plants 'without delay'

France must immediately improve safety at its nuclear power plants so they can deal with natural disasters in the wake of Japan's Fukushima accident, an industry body said Thursday.

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