Crude oil no longer needed for plastics

Each year the world produces about 130 million kilo of ethene, the most important raw material for plastics. This gigantic industry is currently dependent on crude oil. And that is running out. Dutch researcher Tymen Tiemersma ...

Gold nanoparticles give an edge in recycling CO2

( —It's a 21st-century alchemist's dream: turning Earth's superabundance of carbon dioxide—a greenhouse gas—into fuel or useful industrial chemicals. Researchers from Brown have shown that finely tuned gold ...

Metal particle generates new hope for H2 energy

( -- Tiny metallic particles produced by University of Adelaide chemistry researchers are bringing new hope for the production of cheap, efficient and clean hydrogen energy.

Defects make catalysts perfect

There is now one less mystery in chemical production plants. For many decades industry has been producing methanol on a large scale from a mixture of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, as well as hydrogen. An international ...

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