Related topics: catalyst

Machine learning for chemistry: Basics and applications

In a review published in Engineering, scientists explore the burgeoning field of machine learning (ML) and its applications in chemistry. Titled "Machine Learning for Chemistry: Basics and Applications," this comprehensive ...

Will you take ruthenium with your tea or coffee?

A study by Lionel Delaude and François Mazars, researchers from the Laboratory of Catalysis at the University of Liège (Belgium), has shown that caffeine and theophylline can be used to "green" catalysts based on ruthenium. ...

How electrostatics can advance green catalysis events

Developing new and more-efficient catalytic ways to control chemical reactivity and selectivity has been a constant quest for chemists in the fields of chemical manufacturing and fundamental research. Growing evidence points ...

Researchers shed further light onto zinc homeostasis in cells

A research group has unearthed how zinc transporter complexes regulate zinc ion (Zn2+) concentrations in different areas of the Golgi apparatus and revealed that this mechanism finely tunes the chaperone protein ERp44.

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