Tinder is a waste of time for most people

Dating apps won't help you much if your goal is to have more relationships. You would probably succeed just as well—or poorly—without it.

Why some people oppose same-sex marriage

Why do opponents of same-sex marriage really oppose it? A UCLA psychology study published online today in the journal Psychological Science concludes that many people believe gay men and women are more sexually promiscuous ...

Why are young adults having less casual sex?

Casual sex is on the decline for both young men and women, according to a Rutgers University-New Brunswick study that found less alcohol consumption among both genders is a major reason, while playing video games and living ...

US corporations advertise on hookup sites—unwittingly

Ads for major US corporations like General Electric and home improvement retail chain Lowe's are appearing, often without their knowledge, on internet hookup sites, underscoring advertisers' difficulty in controlling their ...

One night stand regrets

Have you ever ended up in bed with someone without it turning into anything more? You're far from alone.

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