New method to recycle adsorbents in wastewater treatment

Removing pollutants from wastewater using adsorbents like activated carbon is often unsustainable. Once saturated, these adsorbents need to be regenerated which can require high temperatures. Pierre Oesterle's thesis shows ...

What happens to switchgrass when food reserves are depleted?

As potential for biofuel, switchgrass is a perennial plant that is of great interest to researchers. Scientists from the MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory Walker lab are looking at how these plants regrow, even when regrowing ...

Using quantum materials as catalysts for fertilizer synthesis

Synthetic fertilizers, one the most important developments in modern agriculture, have enabled many countries to secure a stable food supply. Among them, organic ureas (or organoureas) have become prominent sources of nitrogen ...

Small islands take ocean protection case to UN court

Leaders of nine small island states turned to the UN maritime court on Monday to seek protection of the world's oceans from catastrophic climate change that threatens the very existence of entire countries.

2023 likely to be hottest year on record

2023 is likely to be the hottest year in human history, and global temperatures during the Northern Hemisphere summer were the warmest on record, the EU climate monitor said on Wednesday.

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