Large differences in the climate impact of biofuels

When biomass is combusted the carbon that once was bound in the growing tree is released into the atmosphere. For this reason, bioenergy is often considered carbon dioxide neutral. Research at the University of Gothenburg, ...

Thawing permafrost can accelerate global warming

Thawing permafrost in the Arctic could be emitting greenhouse gasses from previously unaccounted-for carbon stocks, fuelling global warming. That is the result of a study conducted by a team of geologists led by Professor ...

Massive carbon credit sale announced in Madagascar

The Government of Madagascar and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced today that 705,588 carbon credits are certified for sale from the Makira Forest REDD+ Project. WCS estimates that it will prevent the release ...

China's 'Great Green Wall' boosts carbon sink, study finds

Since 1978, China has been building a "Great Green Wall" of trees and shrubs across its arid and semi-arid regions to combat desertification and improve the environment. Known as the Three-North Afforestation Program (TNAP), ...

First high-resolution national carbon map—Panama

A team of researchers has for the first time mapped the above ground carbon density of an entire country in high fidelity. They integrated field data with satellite imagery and high-resolution airborne Light Detection and ...

Cover crops can sequester soil organic carbon

A 12-year University of Illinois study shows that, although the use of cover crops does not improve crop yields, the practice does increase the amount of sequestered soil organic carbon using three different soil management ...

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