New tree ring analysis method may open insights to past climate

Satellite imagery of earth's vegetation, measurements of carbon dioxide in the air and computer models all help scientists understand how climate is affecting carbon dynamics and the world's forests. But these technologies ...

Green alternative to PET could be even greener

One of the most successful plastics is polyethylene terephthalate (PET), the material we use to make bottles and fibers for clothing. However, PET is made from petroleum-based building blocks. An alternative to PET can be ...

Researchers investigate complex molecular structures

The job of hemoglobin seems to be quite simple: It transports oxygen molecules through the bloodstream. But this only works so well because the hemoglobin molecule is extremely complex. The same applies to chlorophyll, which ...

Wood density of European trees decreasing continuously since 1870

Trees are growing more rapidly due to climate change. This may sound like good news—after all, this means that trees are storing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in their wood, and hence modulating a key ingredient ...

Making molecules that twinkle

Researchers at Singapore's Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) have harnessed the power of carbon dioxide to make two symmetrical star-shaped molecules in a single step. These molecules could be used to build ...

Shape of 'molecular graphene' determines electronic properties

Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) form an important class of molecules, which can be regarded as small graphene species and which play a prominent role in the development of organic electronics. Scientists at Radboud University, ...

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